Ahnan Tomari-Te
The Ahnan Tomari Te Organization (ATWO) was developed to preserve the link between Daoist China Martial Arts and Okinawan Martial Arts. Its founder is Mr. A.F. Walker who learned these forms over 50 years ago from his teacher who was also preserving ancient Tibetan Martial forms, old Okinawan forms and even older Daoist Chinese forms that had been passed to him by his teacher - Lao Leong (Leung), Ahnan.
ATWO was established using Pyong Hwa Do, which is the introductory style to Won Hop Loong Chuan (Wan He Lung Quan), a system that has come to us from centuries of practical development. The specific purpose of forming the ATWO was to preserve the “lost” forms of Okinawa by teaching them to martial artists interested in learning the forms and associated bunkai and then, in turn, passing them on to future generations of students. Anyone of good character may learn these forms at any of the seminars hosted by ATWO or by others interested in hosting a seminar. These seminars will include the preservation of these forms, the actual techniques, bunkai, kyusho and the dim mak or vital point striking components. Additionally, the philosophy and science of the forms will be explained and analyzed in the seminars.
We realize that there are others who are attempting to use this name (Ahnan Tomari-Te) in Europe, however, they are not qualified to teach or create a Style using this content. Mr. Massimo Braglia visited our dojo in Houston for a total of 51 days and is ranked as Nikyu (Brown Belt) in the organization of Ahnan Tomari Te. He has decided, against advice, to create his own style using our knowledge and teach it as a “Master”. We repeat, this information is available to anyone and taught by individuals knowledgeable of the content – he is NOT. We strongly recommend that anyone interested in learning, contact our EUROPEAN REPRESENTATIVE: Rolando Kraeher, who will direct and assist you in setting up a seminar to learn the content at +917 593 2421 or check out the website at www.karateatwo.org.
We are posting below three documents:
(1) 13 SEP 2019 Cease and Desist Letter from Mr. A.F. Walker’s attorney, Mr. Longoria, sent to Mr. Massimo Braglia.
(2) 24 SEP 2019 Response of Massimo Braglia’s attorney, Mr. Nicola Fregni to the 13 SEP 2019 Cease and Desist Letter.
(3) 27 SEP 2019 Response from Mr. Longoria to Mr. Fregni’s 24 SEP 2019 Response.
Please note that the documents are presented as images, with thumbnails available on the bottom of each section for page selection.
(1) 13 SEP 2019 Cease and Desist Letter from Mr. A.F. Walker’s attorney, Mr. Longoria, sent to Mr. Massimo Braglia.

(2) 24 SEP 2019 Response of Massimo Braglia’s attorney, Mr. Nicola Fregni to the 13 SEP 2019 Cease and Desist Letter.

(3) 27 SEP 2019 Response from Mr. Longoria to Mr. Fregni’s 24 SEP 2019 Response.