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Chinese Crane Form Kwan Muan Video Seminar #2

We are teaching the Chinese Crane form Kwan Muan in a series of 6 online classes. Classes are held once per week starting Sunday, 24 May at 12pm PST. Kwan Muan is one of the dances taught to the Okinawans in the later 1800's by Ahnan, and is the precursor to the modern karate kata Matsumora Rohai. The history of Kwan Muan, the strategies of the Crane, Chinese medicine concepts, the three levels of Dim Mak, applications of each movement sequence and their corresponding acupuncture targets and the medical and health aspect of the acupuncture points used in the dance will be discussed.

There are three books we will reference:


The classes will be offered on Sundays at 12 pm Pacific Standard Time starting March 24th. The cost is $250 for the six classes. There are a maximum of 20 slots for this online class.

To register, please email James Walters at or call 760-382-0313.